Hey @wakecarter, thanks for the reply. I checked out your document and found a reference to this error on page 21:
Use experiment settings (cog image in Builder) > online > +/- keys to add the list of resources your experiment will need.
So I did exactly this. The resources list in the cog settings now lists EXAMPLE.png as a resource. However, the error still unfortunately occurs.
Next, I tried to delete the whole html folder and recompile to js. This did not fix the error either.
Do you have a sense of what the issue might be and which of your many posts could contain the solution? Is there any further information I could provide that would help?
I have one experiment still using the html folder where I have set “Use PsychoPy Version” to 2020.2.3 in Experiment Settings.
For another experiment what I did was:
Close the experiment in Builder.
Download any existing data from Pavlovia.
Delete the repository from Pavlovia.
Delete the local .git folder.
Delete the local html folder (after removing any files than only exist in it).
Delete other unnecessary local files.
Open the experiment in Builder.
Check that Experiment Settings / Online / Output path is blank and Export HTML is on Sync.
Press the “Sync with web project” icon to create a new project online.
[Added 21 Feb 2022] If you now get an unknown resources error attached any resources defined in code via Experiment Settings / Online / Additional Resources in Builder.
I have no idea why but following each of these steps fixed my 403 forbidden error! I didn’t even have to change anything, for some reason deleting things in this order worked. I had previously tried deleting everything and reopening on pavlovia via builder, and had also tried switching from piloting to inactive back to piloting. Have been working on this all day, thanks so much!
Since the online exp keeps looking for list1/list2/list3 at random, likely the randomChoice function works, but apparently condsFile being “list1.csv” is not good enough.
ed. problem persists after disabling adblocker and clearing browser cookies.