Description of the problem: My experiment works fine locally but when I upload it to Pavlovia the Platform is UNKNOWN.
I’ve had this problem before and fixed it, but I’ve tried everything I remembered and saw in other posts… to no avail. I have tried:
-making sure I am logged in to pavlovia from Psychopy and that I chose username when creating a new project
-erasing any my last failed attempt projects before trying again from settings-advanced-remove in GitLab
-erasing the hidden .git folder and HTML files locally
-starting a new experiment folder with only the files I need, from a new location
-uninstalling and reinstalling Psychopy
Thank you so much.
Here is the solution we have finally found (because we had tried most if not all of the solutions in the entries up there.)
It is very simple of course. We went through the generated Javascript and realized that when you change the psychopy file name, the name of the experiment does not change. So the code is trying to retrieve the data from a file which has a different name. I shall mention here that on the surface all names of the files are the same and they are in the correct files. However, in javaS there is another name. The way to change it to match it with the others is “clicking settings, the changing the name of the ‘experiment’ there.” This is the name javaS copies and tries to match withe the file names.
So apparently the Psychopy file name and the name of the experiment in this file can, underneath the surface, carry different names. This must be regularly checked and (when necessary) rectified by the users.
Ah yes – sorry. I did know that one. It plagued me a few months ago when it first appeared, but I haven’t had to deal with it recently. I think it was one of those cases where a fix for one issue had unforeseen consequences elsewhere.