URL of experiment:
I have been receiving various error messages upon attempting to run an experiment that works perfectly well in Psychopy Builder view. One error I have been receiving when attempting to run the experiment is that a JPEG cannot be downloaded:
However, this image does not seem corrupted on my end, nor does it seem to be different in size/type from any of the other images included in the experiment.
Here is that image (note: person in this image as well as all other images has fully consented to be used as a stimulus and have their face online)
I read online that this might be a cache error. However, when I try the same thing from an incognito window or in a new browser, the same image fails to download each time.
Additionally (and I am not currently able to reproduce this error), I have received the error “502 bad gateway” several times when I change the task mode from offline, back into running, and then try to run this experiment.
I am attaching a copy of my experiment here if that is helpful. Any guidance or ideas are much appreciated, and happy to provide any more information if needed. Clean_Task_Only.psyexp (191.9 KB)