New to psychpy: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()

URL of experiment: SDS [PsychoPy]

Description of the problem: Hi I’m brand new to pavlovia and coding in general, I’ve been having issues getting my file working online. Currently, I’ve created a brand new file with just a red triangle for stimuli just to see if I can get something up, but even this is getting the 404 error.
I’ve turned the project into pilot mode, and have tried launching from both the builder and the pavlovia website. I looked around the forums and saw that switching to the newest version was typically the response, but I’ve tried all of the 2024 versions and 2023 versions and still get this error.
Any help would be appreciated as I have very little idea why this isnt working.

Can you see any files at ?

Has a lib folder been created?

Try changing it to running mode and back to pilot