Help needed when running the exp on Pavlovia: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()

URL of experiment: Priming [PsychoPy]

Description of the problem: I have tried to pilot the expemeirnt, but it is stuck on initialising. When I pressed CMD+Option+I in my Mac, I get the following error message: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (). I have read some soloutaitons in the fourm advising switiching to Running mode and then to Pilot mode. Once I have tried moving to running mode, but hte same issue persists (Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()

For your reference, below is the index.html:

Priming [PsychoPy]

Note that I am using PsychoPy 2024.2.4

I would really apprecaite your support on this question. Thanks in advance.

Change your experiment name to pilot_priming to match the file name.

Many thanks @Wakecarter for your kind reply. It is greatly apprecaited. You are deinftely right, changing the name helped get rid of this issue. I create a new a project with a matching name, after deleting the old one from Pavlovia. However, when I piloted the new one I got a different error: “404 Not Found”. I am sorry but could you please help. I tried some solotions from the forum such as turning it on running mode and then inactive but that did not help. I would really apprecaite your kind help on this one please

Please could you show me the error message from Developer Tools?

Many thanks @wakecarter for your kind help and for your patience. This is what I have. I hope it helps find the the source of the of the issue. Thanks a lot for your kind support @wakecarter

I am really stuck on this problem, and I would really apprecaite your kind support and advice, please

@wakecarter I would really appreciate it if you had the time to have a look at this one, please

Please could you show the contents of your gitlab folder?

and your project page


Are you getting any error messages when syncing from Builder?

Many thanks @wakecarter for your quick responce and for the tremendous help. I really can not thank you enough. I used to have errors when syncing from Builder, but after deleting and resinstating the expermient, these syncing issues went away. Please find a screenshot of what you asked for:

Remove MyExperiment from Experiment Settings / Online, delete the local folder and resync.

Then switch to inactive and active again.

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It worked now!

@wakecarter thanks a lot for the assistance and for your advice. It was greatly appreciated. I could not have done it without you, so thanks a lot.

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