Unknown resource error : audio file

URL of experiment:

Description of the problem:
I created an experiment using PsychoPy’s latest version on Windows. The experiment involves playing an audio file followed by a rating task. It works perfectly on the local machine. However, when I export it online, for some reason no HTML or resources file is being automatically created.
In the online version, the resources are being loaded at the start of the experiment. The instruction file containing the path for the audio files is also being read and executed. However, when running the experiment I get an unknown resource error. The audio files are being presented in a random trial and all of the audio files are giving this error.

There are no backslashes in the pathname. I have tried moving the files inside a Html and Html/resources subfolder but that didn’t help either.

Could you help me figure out the problem?

Hi There,

Please can I check what happens if you manually add the resources.

In your builder view go to ‘experiment settings’ (cog image)> online tab> + open and select the files your experiment will need then resync your experiment.


Thank you so much! This worked. Never would’ve figured it out otherwise.

fantastic - pleased it worked!