URL of experiment: Pavlovia28 [PsychoPy]
Description of the problem: Hi, I am having an issue when I try to pilot my experiment on Pavlovia. My experiment consists in five audios playing in sequence. When I try to run it online, I get this message:
What can I do to run it?
Here are two links you should follow:
I have a few minutes to write a reply now.
I have one experiment still using the html folder where I have set “Use PsychoPy Version” to 2020.2.3 in Experiment Settings.
For another experiment what I did was:
Close the experiment in Builder.
Download any existing data from Pavlovia.
Delete the repository from Pavlovia.
Delete the local .git folder.
Delete the local html folder (after removing any files than only exist in it).
Delete other unnecessary local files.
Open the experiment in Builde…
Also – you don’t seem to have added a file extension.