November 16, 2020, 2:55pm
Hi Emily,
Have you tried specifying the location of your resource manually using the Experiment settings (cog image) > online tab > resources > use +/- icons to add your files.
This is detailed in threads such as this
URL of experiment:
Description of the problem:
I created an experiment using PsychoPy’s latest version on Windows. The experiment involves playing an audio file followed by a rating task. It works perfectly on the local machine. However, when I export it online, for some reason no HTML or resources file is being automatically created.
In the online version, the resources are being loaded at the start of the experiment. The instruction file containing the path for the audio files is als…
and some previous solutions offered in other places such as this
URL of experiment:
Description of the problem: I am trying to run a 4AFC mental rotation task on Pavlovia. The experiment runs fine locally, but it seems unable to locate the images that it needs for the experiment (all stored in the folder ‘MRStim’). I have tried:
relative path
full path
temporarily tried adding the stimuli to a manually created ’ html/resources’ folder (combined with 1 and 2), even though I use the latest version an…