Stuck on Initializing Screen

URL of experiment: Sign in · GitLab

Description of the problem: Though the experiment runs fine offline on PsychoPy, it gets stuck on an ‘initializing’ screen when running online on Pavlovia. Based on my research, it seems like it is probably an error in the JS code, but the developer tools have been unhelpful in finding the actually error. The error I get is: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (). There are no loaded in Python packages that seem to be a common issue for others.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Which file is 404 not found?

One of the current reasons for this error occurs when the experiment name in Experiment Settings doesn’t match the file name.

Thank you for your quick response! How do I check which file is 404 not found? This is a screenshot of what I see
Screenshot (1)

Pavlovia is looking for Iowa,ambling Task.js (or something like that). Click on the blue link to check exactly.

Then look to see whether you have any JS files in your repository and what they are called.

Then look at your Experiment Settings in Builder