Hello all, I’ve searched a bit on here but apparently my problem is so basic it’s not been asked (that I could find, but I appreciate redirection if I am wrong!).
I downloaded Psychopy v1.73.02 because it was the version offered with the program I am running. Every time I open Psychopy, it tells me to update.
Is this necessary? If my program is running fine, is there any advantage to updating? I am collecting data, so am mostly concerned with the program being able to log and later generate that data when I need it.
I have tried to update by going to the psychopy log and downloading the .zip files for the 1.90.2 version - both standalone.exe and the zip files, but when I go to the update tab and search my computer for them, I can’t input the .exe file (only zip) and when I insert the .zip file, I get the following error message: “Could not move existing psychopy installation (permissions error?)”
Hi @1: From my own subjective experience so far, I would recommend to update to the latest stable version (1.90.3) because numerous bugs have been fixed since then. @2: The “permissions error” means that you need administrator rights to update. You can get them by launching PsychoPy with a right click and choosing “Run as administrator”.
Since a lot has changed since 1.73.02, you might want to install a fresh standalone version, though. First uninstall 1.73.02 and then launch the standalone.exe you downloaded.
What is the program you’re using which came with 1.73.02?
I don’t know that program, so I don’t know if it somehow depends on an old PsychoPy version. If that’s the case, you might run into problems.
I’ve made a lot of program changes - will these be affected by the update?
You could take a look at the PsychoPy changelogs, especially the blue entries. They tell you which changes/updates might cause problems if you run experiments you’ve designed with an older version.
Hello - were you able to get the NIH Examiner running on a later version of PsychoPy? I am trying to do the same thing and running into some issues and errors - if you have any tips or advice that would be much appreciated!