Pavlovia: failing to 'activate' experiment to run

Despite all my efforts I can’t make Pavlovia work. Maybe I miss something? My steps are:
1, Clone repository with example experiment (e.g. stroop or stroopExtended)
2. Go to “Explore” tab on Pavlovia and click wrench icon which should activate my experiment.
3. Nothing happens

URL to my repo:

Second thing is that syncing with Pavlovia with PsychoPy doesn’t work on Linux. I am currently trying to troubleshoot this issue but it simply hangs during synchronization and files are not pushed to repo. I can probably live with this at the moment and simply push files via regular git.

Third thing (or question) is how suitable is Pavlovia for running experiments in production? I know that it is currently in experimental stage, but is there a roadmap for non-beta version? I can try to help with testing it (and perhaps maybe my students can too).

Kind regards,
Bartosz Maćkiewicz

I’m having similar problems. I use PsychoPy to sync to Pavlovia, it gets on the server, but the wrench doesn’t do anything. And when I try to sync again from PsychoPy, it says there’s no project associated with my experiment, and I need to create a new one again. And then that project uploads, but the wrench does nothing.

Kind regards,

Peter Loef

The sync problems from PsychoPy are something I’ve been working on and made several fixes. There should be a much-improved 3.0.0b6 release today

For the failure to activate I expect this will also be a quick fix. Ilixa currently investigating the problem there. Thanks for your patience while we get all this stuff working and more robust.

As to the question of “when will it be safe for production” that’s harder to answer. We will be making improvements and adding features for many months, but the question about whether those affect you depends on your study. It basically comes down to how good you are at testing your experiment (assuming that you are testing your experiment). If you tested it and it works then for your experiment it’s fine!

Just to confirm that this is now fixed. You should be able to activate your studies again.

Apologies for the bug - it was caused by a major refactor of to use the angular.js framework for the site (which is why the site is so much more responsive to mobiles than it was previously. Pretty isn’t it?)

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