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Description of the problem: I am trying to run a self-paced moving window experiment via Pavlovia. The Python code works fine offline, but I can not try out if the experiment will work online because of the error:
We could not find a record for experiment designer: undefined. Please check the name and try again. If the error persists, contact Pavlovia’s administrator.
I used a Code Component in Builder for dashing my sentences and proceeding through the sentences. For translating the Python code to JS code, I used the new auto-JS functionality with some changes:
I posted this in the “Begin Experiment” tab, as suggested here: PsychoPy Python to Javascript crib sheet
I made the function global, as suggested to me in an earlier post:
replaceWithDash = function (textList, currentWordNumber) {
var dashSentence, word;
dashSentence = “”;
for (var index = 0, _pj_a = textList.length; (index < _pj_a); index += 1) {
word = textList[index];
if ((index !== currentWordNumber)) {
dashSentence = ((dashSentence + (“-” * word.length)) + " “);
} else {
dashSentence = (((” " + dashSentence) + word) + " ");
return dashSentence.strip();
I suspect something went wrong in the translation for the JS code.
Any help would be much appreciated!