Pavlovia credits assigned to a deleted experiment

URL of experiment: Pavlovia

Description of the problem: I bought new credits and accidentally assigned them to the version of the experiment that was already deleated: Maari13/facerecognitionexp_v2. I don’t seem to be able to find a way to release them or to transfer them to the correct experiment (Maari13/facerecognitionexp). What should I do?

Please help - I need the misassigned credits today. Thanks!

Hello @Maari13 ,

With my apologies for the delay, I have released the credits you assigned to Maari13/facerecognitionexp_v2 and reassigned them to Maari13/facerecognitionexp.
Best wishes,


Hi Alain!

Thanks a lot! Wake also stepped in to help. My experiment’s data collection has now finished and I’ll have to see how Wake can get the credits that he lent me back.

I do hope that the situation when credits can accidentally be assigned to an experiment that has already been deleted will get solved soon. And why not give the user a possibility to release the credits that they have assigned to an experiment?

Best wishes,

I am glad it all worked out.
Credits can be released from the experiment page under normal condition. But indeed that page is not accessible once the experiment has been deleted. This should be sorted soon.
