Ah. Ok. This is getting interesting.
I just uploaded a little test experiment. Pavlovia
Seemed to upload ok with no errrors reported in the little progress window that pops up during Sync.
But it is in the same state as Blur22. In my Pavlovia dashboard it is also platform: ‘Unknown’ and version: ‘0’ version.
Note this was a new little experiment I was just testing things out with so shares no code-base with Blur22 and is quite simple.
Also @wakecarter - following your suggestion that there is no .js for Blur22 on the server I tried to run it again and - it looking at the console output for the experiment when it tries to run (stuck on Initialising) - I see this error:

Ok. Sure. But when I go to the Github repository (is the right term? I’m not super familiar with Github), I see this:
Note the different name of the .js project. In the ‘Experiment name’ field in the settings it is set to ‘Blur22’ - which I specified as the project name the first time I uploaded this. Perhaps this field is not being updated to modify the 'js filename? Or somehow all these different versions of the experiment name are not being kept in Sync?
Ahah! This looks like it was the problem. A mismatch of the experiment name as set in ‘Experiment settings’ (or perhaps defined when I uploaded for the first time and was asked to set an experiment name’?) and the actual .js filename.
I just copied the entire local experiment folder, renamed the .psyexp file to ‘Blur_expera_23.psyexp’, blew away the two hidden ‘git’ files, ran it up, changed the name manually in the experiment settings page to be the same: ‘Blur_expera_23.psyexp’ and then Uploaded/Synced and… presto it works!!! Also the correct version number and platform are now displayed in my dashboard. YAY!
So it would appear that when uploading, either specifcying the project name OR the field in experiment settings does not modify the .js file - meaning the when you try to run it - it looks for the .js filename - and if different to the two places mentioned above - it can’t find the file.
So - great - we’ve figured this out and I can continue working now. YAY!!! THanks so much folks!
But also - I have to say I have just had ENDLESS problems with this and similar issues to do with the name of the experiment seemingly being maintained in several different locations and these getting out of sync. In particular the fact that those two hidden files seem to determine where the project tries to upload to etc… This all feels really confusing and has cost me a LOT of time and frustration historically.
I’m back in action over here. Thanks for your help both @JensBoelte and @wakecarter.
