Delete account forever

How do I cancel:terminate my account?

I don’t want my account open and I don’t want any posts associated with me available anymore.


Bro, that is sort of late…cuz I sort of know who you are by now XD. When you post something online, it stays forever online :D. The golden rule of the Internet haha.

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You could change your username to anonymise your account. Why do you want your account deleted?

But if a strange thing to say haha

I just don’t need the account anymore and prefer to delete accounts I no longer need.

How do I change the username? I was unaware of what my username would be when I set up the account. Thank you

I’ve changed your username a bit. I can also deactivate your account (so you would need to reverify your email before logging back in) or I can suspend your account.

We don’t want to delete your posts because they might help others

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I think he also wants to delete his posts, but those are really helpful for building up my own experiment (especially the useful responses), so do keep them up!

Oh thank you!

I’m happy to deactivate my account so my username doesn’t show on the posts but happy to keep them up to help others if that’s possible!

Let me know what username you would like your posts to be left with and I’ll do it.

Can you just do something related to Iowa gambling task? That’s what my posts are about so will make it easy :slight_smile: thank you