I want to delete my temporary account from pavlovia, and log out from the Builder, I can’t find any way to do so. It wouldn’t be much of a problem but Builder now uses my temporary account as default and I cannot push into my previous account.
I apologize, this is a dull question, but how do I delete my pavlovia account and log out of builder?
For the logging into a different account I might have an idea: if in the menu, you do Pavlovia.org → Log In, I think you’re automatically logged out of your current account and logged in with another one
So it’s a nice workaround but it didn’t work directlyb. WORKS if I restart Psychopy, open an untitled/new project, log in (again) in there with the desired account, then open my desired project and try to push it, it uses the correct accout. Both stay signed it, so i’m not sure whether it will cause problems in the future:
Happy we got a fix! I’ve also got a suggestion on how to clear up your tmp account. That’s by clearing out all your PscyhoPy preferences, though note you’ll then need to login again. Troubleshooting — PsychoPy v2021.1
(I you’re using Windows, the right path in that tutorial is %APPDATA%\psychopy3)
Clearing out the CFG files didn’t work, but deleting the ‘user’ and ‘projects’ files in AppData\Roaming\psychopy3\pavlovia, logging in again, and syncing the project few times worked Thanks!
Is deleting the username from the pavloviaUser field in appData.cfg currently the only way to “log out” (in order to log in with a different account)? Just deleting users.json (and projects.json) in the pavlovia sub-directory didn’t work here.