Cannot open on the new PC

On my PC, I cannot Psychopy application.
The spec of my PC is below:
Window10 home 64bit, Intel corei5, memori: 8GB, 1920x1080dots

I install Psychopy installer from Releases · psychopy/psychopy · GitHub, and install “StandalonePsychoPy2-1.90.1-win32.exe”.
This install was without any problem.
After launching Psychopy application, setting window comes up(see the figure) and if I select “OK”, the test starts.
But after that, Psychopy builder or corder don’t launch.
If I select “canncel”, anything happen.

Is there any soft I have to install or any settings?

Yeah, got the same issue here with the standalone 1.90.1 and 1.90.2.

Basically, there’s no traceback as with older psychopy versions (as with "C:\Program Files\PsychoPy2\python.exe" "C:\Program Files\PsychoPy2\Lib\site-packages\PsychoPy-VERSION-py2.6.egg\psychopy\app\"). What I could gather is that I do not have any .cfg files in the appdata folder. Also no IBMMD.DLL in the %WINDIR%\SysWOW64.

Any known fix? Couldn’t find it anywhere on the web.


StandalonePsychoPy-1.85.6-win32 works just fine. Not sure why 1.90.1 doesn’t.