Two questions: (1) steps for generating the online version of my task (2) JS code

Hi @M11, if the code is not being output correctly, it means there is some issue stopping the code from being compiled. The translations above would be made easier if you surround your code in backticks (```). Try:

msg = '';
if (mouse.getPressed()[0] === 1) { // If left mouse button pressed 
  clickable = [R, F];  // clickable stim
  for (const obj of clickable) {  // for each clickable stim, check if it contains the mouse
    if (obj.contains(mouse)) {
      if (obj === R && R === eval(MathCorr) ) {
         msg = "Correct";
         psychoJS.experiment.addData('MathScore', R === eval(MathCorr));
      } else if (obj === F && F === eval(MathCorr) ) {
        msg = "Wrong. Click buttons more exactly";
        psychoJS.experiment.addData('MathScore', F === eval(MathCorr));