I’m trying to run an experiment where participants can enter typed information on the screen and have it displayed back to them as they type. The experiment was building normally on both psychopy 3.1.2 and pavlovia; however, when I went to add this new feature, I had to add custom code, which messed things up a bit. My custom code works in psychopy, and I tried to translate it to javascript to run online, but I may have made an error as I’m relatively new to both python and js.
When I try to run the experiment online, it gets stuck at “initializing the experiment…” and when I open the web js console, it shows the message: Failed to load resource: the server responded /cc99/vviq_10-4/html/VVIQ.js:1 with a status of 404 ()
I think this may be due to the fact that the export html feature on psychopy isn’t working properly. As I understand it, when you click “export html” or when you sync the project online, psychopy should generate both html and .js files, whereas it only generates an html file for me, no js.
URL of experiment: https://pavlovia.org/cc99/vviqfinal
Thanks for any and all help!