Pavlovia Experiment stuck on loading - SyntaxError: missing ) in parenthetical

Ok, so I following your suggestion, I think it’s better to determine whether to draw or not a text.

Based on this Two questions: (1) steps for generating the online version of my task (2) JS code

I set the code component on JS, and got it like this:

if (mouse_3.getPressed()[0] === 1) { // If left mouse button pressed 
  clickable = [respuestaFemenino, respuestaMasculino];  // clickable stim= my 2 img stims
  for (const obj of clickable) {  // for each clickable stim, check if it contains the mouse
    if (obj.contains(mouse)) {
      if (timer.getTime()<3) ) {
        muyRapido.autoDraw = True; //draw the text that alerts that the response is too fast
      } else if (timer.getTime()>6) ) {
        muyLento.autoDraw = True; //draw the text that alerts that the response is too slow;
    thisExp.addData("RT", timer.getTime());
    continueRoutine = False;  //I want that if the stimuli is clicked, the routine ends (instead of forcing end routine on the component) 

However, it does not end the routine when I click the stim (running on psychopy). But, searching on other examples of the equivalent to “isPressedIn” and “continueRoutine”, the code seems to be ok, it’s basically the same that in the thread above.

Is it possible that , although it doesn’t work in Builder (because is in JS code)will instead iwork once uploaded to pavlovia?