Pavlovia Experiment stuck on loading - SyntaxError: missing ) in parenthetical

Hi @imarchesini, I checked your parentheses and they look to line up correctly. I think this is an issue using and and or in JS. They are not the same as Pythons logical operators, you instead use && and || for (and, or) respectively.

if ( ( ( (timer.getTime() < 3) && mouse_3.getPressed && (mouse_3.isPressedIn(respuestaMasculino) || mouse_3.isPressedIn(respuestaFemenino)))) && muyRapido.status === PsychoJS.Status.NOT_STARTED) {

Also, isPressedIn is not actually a PsychoJS method. Have a look at the link to see how to code the equivalent in JS. You essentially have to check whether your object contains the mouse, and that simultaneously the mouse button has been pressed.