OS (e.g. Win10): Mac big Sur 11.2
PsychoPy version (e.g. 1.84.x): 2021.1.0
**Standard Standalone? y
I am struggling with committing my changes when I am in builder mode and I receive the following error:
“/Applications/PsychoPy.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.6/psychopy/projects/pavlovia.py”, line 1049, in getGitRoot
File “subprocess.pyc”, line 356, in check_output
File “subprocess.pyc”, line 438, in run
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command ‘[‘git’, ‘branch’, ‘—show-current’]’ returned non-zero exit status 129.
Based on advice from this thread: Psychopy on Big Sur on mac
I have removed userPrefs.cfg appData.cfg.
I’m not sure what to do but I think it started with trying to modify the conditions file according to group similarly to this thread: Problem Syncing with Pavlovia (Unable to create javascript)
However now if I make put it like it was previously a constant conditions file (not a variable) I still get the same traceback. I am in the process of forking and cloning the experiment on another machine to see if that works.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated as I have spent a day and half exploring the solutions that were within my knowledge of Pavlovia.