Survey page display

Hi all,

I’m encountering two issues with my Pavlovia survey, and I’d appreciate any advice:

  1. Scrolling Issue: When participants click “Next” at the end of the first page, the subsequent page is displayed starting from the bottom. Participants have to scroll to the top manually to see the first question on the new page. This survey has a mix of shuffled blocks (each consisting of 20 pages) and one sequential block (2 pages). Interestingly, I do not experience this problem in the second survey embedded in the same experiment.
  2. Button Text Issue: On one particular page, the button text changes from “Next” to “Complete,” even though the survey is not finished at that point. I’ve set completeText to “Next” in the JSON file, but the issue persists on this specific page. I’m not sure why it behaves differently compared to other pages.

Does anyone have suggestions for resolving these issues?

  1. This should be the solution. HTML display - bug?

  2. Is it the last page of the first block? I don’t have a resolution but this will hopefully be fixed soon.

  1. I have tried unticking the “focus first question on a new page” box, but it did not help with the issue.
  2. No, it is not the last page. It is the 4th page out of 20, and the page display is randomized. So, sometimes this page appears at the beginning of the block and sometimes at the end, but the button always says “complete”.