Sona to REDcap to Pavlovia to Sona

I am using REDcap for a new study so I modified a previously shared document detailing how to chain ID from Sona → Qualtrics → Pavlovia → Sona and wanted to share the new version in case anyone finds it useful. Sona ->REDcap → Pavlovia → Sona

Hi Joseph,
I would love to access this, but don’t have permission. Could you share another link/public version.

Try this link instead: Copy of Sona -> REDCap -> Pavlovia -> back - Google Docs

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Hi @Joseph_Orr . Thanks a lot for sharing. I also cannot seem to access this field. Do you have any related resources on the matter? I am mainly interested in finding a way to direct participants from Pavlovia to Redcap (with piping of their Pavlovia ID in the URL).
Do you have any input on this?

Thank you,


I must have moved the file and broken the link. This link should work now: