evening all,
I am taking my first steps with the online version (3.0.1) of psychopy, and didn’t get very far. I implemented a very simple SART test as a sequence of images.
The script runs fine on the local machine, when run via the internet, all images load, but then things fall apart.
No need. The beauty of sending me the exp URL is that I get everything I need.
OK, so looking at your conditions file it looks like every one of the filenames has a space at the end of it in the cell. Unfortunately that might mean that PsychoJS is trying to find a file literally called "n4_0.jpg " rather than “n4_0.jpg”
Try doing a find ".jpg " replace with “.jpg” and see if that helps
Hi, I encountered the same problem when I use the online experiment. This problem did not occur in local experiment. The experiment runs for a few trials, but then interrupted with below error:
FATAL unknown | {"origin":"MinimalStim.setAutoDraw","context":"when setting the autoDraw attribute of stimulus: image2_probability","error":"the PIXI representation of the stimulus is unavailable"}