Pavlovia not loading image resources

I’m using PsychoPy 2023.2.0 and my experiments run fine locally. When I try and run them in Pavlovia it gives the below error.

Unfortunately we encountered the following error:

* when setting the image of ImageStim: setupscreen
* when getting the value of resource: Slide01.png
* **unknown resource**

Try to run the experiment again. If the error persists, contact the experiment designer.

When I inspect the code I can see that all the images are in the resources directory. However, it still gives me the error. Any advice on how to fix this is appreciated.


Could you check the filenames in github against the filenames in your conditions files? I’ve found that sometimes I would have .png in the conditions file, but it would have uploaded .PNG to github. It is sensitive to upper/lowercase so that might be a good first port of call.

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[Solution] For anyone who’s facing a similar issue I fixed this problem by removing the HTML folder. You can do it in the PsychoPy experiment settings by setting the output path blank (in the online tab).