Psychopy successful uploaded files to pavlovia, but pavlovia did not update anything

URL of experiment:

Description of the problem:

I successfully uploaded files to pavlovia using the builder sync button. The below screen shot shows I have two files updated (.js and .psyexp).

Unfortunately, when I ran the experiment online it was still the old version. I checked the github resp, it is not updated.

I have tried to upload all the updated files on the github resp, no luck. And after ran the experiment online. All the files go back to the old version again.

Another note is the original experiment was generated with MacIntel, 2020.2.5 version. I am currently using windows 2020, 2.10 version. I can change the experimental setting and sync without problem. When I change the task design with my current windows, nothing got updated. Except the psychopy kept saying “successfully done sync”.

Would someone help me? Thanks!!!

I just find out my local javascript is not updated with me saving the psychopy file. But I tried diffierent methods, the javascript is not updated at all.

Would someone help? Thanks!

Hi There,

If your experiment appears as the old version online you might need to clear your browser cache.
If your javascript file is notupdating, try deleting the .js file and then selecting the “compile to js” icon in builder to manually export a new one.

Hope this helps,

Thanks, Becca. I found out that if I was having version mixed, re: a psychopy.exp file contain edits from different version. Psychopy only sync/create the Javascript with the version you selected in the experimental design.