Description of the problem: Some projects in GitLab Dashboard are not visible in Pavlovia Dashboard.
I have created multiple projects in Builder and saved each one to its own repo in GitLab.
But when I view these projects on the Pavlovia Dashboard, not all of them are visible.
Example: I have four projects: b_002_c, b_002_f, b_002_i, and b_002_m.
I just replied to you on your other thread. From my end, it seems that all is well. @mdl_1550 : it also appears that all of your experiments are available on the dashboard. Can you confirm that this is the case? Incidentally, did you have an opportunity to look into using the various tricks I mentioned in my email so as not to duplicate all of the resources needlessly?
This is kind of a silly trick, but I have found that occasionally if click on the “run the study online” button from the builder for that project, the study will show on pavlovia (or similarly if the changes I made would not show in pavlovia, they do after doing this). However, this only works for me and my projects, and not in cases where someone in my group cannot see a project in pavlovia that I created within that group.
Interestingly, it looks like Sharp_lab was removed from the team for that particular experiment, on the 13th of January, and was given access to it again only 3 days ago. Does that make sense to you?
The pavlovia back-end did not register the new access credentials, which I will be investigating.
But, in the meantime, I’ve sorted this out and you now have access to the experiment in your dashboard.
With my apologies for the mishap!
Hi Alain. I really appreciate you solving my issue and all of your effort. I don’t understand what you mean by “removed from the team”. I created mistpilotv3 from a copy of another experiment, mistpilotv2 so maybe the v3 version was nested? I hope i am making sense let me know if I ought to rephrase.
I wanted to archive two projects. To continue working on them I exported them and then imported the .gz files into new projects. The imports were successful but the new projects don’t show up on the Pavlovia dashboard. It seems that the solution to this problem was distributed just by email? The account is lclab2 and the new projects are cogload2021 and h21 Thanks!