GitLab project not appearing on Pavlovia dashboard


I have created a new repo on Gitlab, but it is not showing up on my Pavlovia dashboard. Others have encountered this issue before, and it seems there may be a syncing issue that causes this. Any help would be appreciated.

The affected repo is brain-geometry/sro_multictx

Did you create the repo by syncing from PsychoPy?

Is the repo empty or just missing latest files?

Are you getting any error messages when syncing?

I created the repo by forking it from one of my existing projects. It is custom code (that is, I didn’t use the builder). The gitlab repo has all of the files—it just isn’t showing up as an experiment on my Pavlovia dashboard.

Did you fork from one namespace to another or within a namespace? The latter isn’t usually possible (so for example, I use wake, vespr and brookes as namespaces to run multiple copies of the same code).

Is it in jsPsych?

I forked within the same namespace. Forking to a different namespace fixed the problem. Thank you, @wakecarter!

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