Pavlovia survey suddenlt stopped working : License error

I was running a Survey on Pavlovia for more than 6 months. Suddenly it stopped working and started displaying the following error.


Unfortunately we encountered the following error:

  • when starting the experiment
  • when opening a session for experiment: pavlovia/survey-2024.2.0
  • one or more documents require approval

Try to run the experiment again. If the error persists, contact the experiment designer."

On the overview page of the survey I see this :
This survey is covered by a license. Some documents are still waiting to be approved by the license manager. You can pilot it but participants will not be able to run it until all documents have been approved:

I contacted the lab admin department and they could not find my survey to approve it. But they can see my experiments.
I am not sure how to fix this. Can someone please help?

This error message refers to your institution’s licence, and nothing specific to your survey. Can your lab manager run their own surveys? Are you definitely on the right licence?

Thank you for the response. I checked with the lab manager and my account is on the right license, and this does not expire until the next year. They are not sure as to what went wrong because Surveys were being run without them having to be approved.
My colleagues could not run their surveys as well.

Good afternoon,

This issue has to do with how surveys handle institution licenses’ approvals.
I will be able to upgrade the pavlovia website to make it possible for license administrators to approve surveys, in addition to licenses, shortly.
In the mean time, I have removed approvals for surveys, so they can all run again.
With my apologies for the mishap!



I might have a similar problem: I do have an institutional license, and I can set experiments to running, but as soon as I want to set a Pavlovia Survey to running I get this message:

This survey is not covered by a license and you do not have enough credits. You can pilot it but participants will not be able to run it.

Does this have to do with the upgrade or is there something I am missing?

Thanks a lot for your help!

With my apologies for the delay,

Can you give me your pavlovia username? I’ll then be able to investigate.


Hey Alain,

Thanks for helping out. My username in Pavlovia is Luzie Kallfass.


Hi Luzie. does your Pavlovia username have a space in it?


no it does not - sorry. It is LuzieKallfass.

Hello again,

I have fixed the issue. And I can confirm that new surveys are also covered by your license.
With my apologies!
