No URL on Pavlovia

URL of experiment:

Description of the problem:

I’ve got a couple of experiments on my Pavlovia account that I can run, but when I look at their entries in the experiment section, they display no URL.
I can click on “RUN” and that will run it – and I can copy the URL from the browser window to paste into recruitment purposes, but I worry something is broken…

What does your Recruitment section on the experiment page look like? The URL you posted seems to work.

Best wishes,


Odd. Try turning it off and on again (setting the experiment to inactive and then reset to running). Or, ignore if it’s working and you are currently collecting data

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Hi there, I also have this problem, and tried turning it to inactive and then back to running, with no url. The code seems to work ok offline. Are there alternative things to try to get the url to generate? We are using jspsych + pavlovia (to send data to the server, but really we are running a jquery-based plugin scheduler that we are converting to jspsych style json – could that be part of the issue?). Thanks so much.

Also I wasn’t sure where people would reply so I also replied to this post: No URL is generated for an active experiment in the Recruitment section of the Pavlovia Dashboard