It is the first time I work with Psychopy builder, so I created a simple experiment and tried to upload it to Pavlovia so that I run it online, unfortunately I am getting this error:
{“origin”:“",“projectId”:1787,“experimentFullPath”:“aKiwan/mar”,“context”:"when activating, deactivating or updating an experiment”,“error”:“unable to clone project from GitLab repository: [Errno 2] No such file or directory”,“projectName”:“mar”}
By the way, the code of this experiment is available on Gitlab.
{“origin”:“Pavlovia activating, deactivating or updating an experiment”,“error”:“unable to clone project from GitLab repository: [Errno 2] No such file or directory”,“projectName”:“Online Prime LDT”}
The way I fixed it was by…(drum roll please)…logging out and logging into Pavlovia again. Not sure why this worked, but it did. There seems to be some issue when it comes to tracing users generally. It feels similar to the syncing issue that @jon has taken a look at :