Start by opening command prompt (search your computer for ‘cmd’ and you should find it). Once you open cmd, you have to navigate to the folder where all of your files are. You have to type 'cd ’ and then the directory. So, for example: cd desktop\experiment 1. Once you are in the folder you should be able to see that in the cmd line.
C:\Users\jorda\Desktop\Experiment 1>
Now you can start pushing things to pavlovia manually.
|a)| type ‘git status’ (check to see if files have changed, only looks at local directory)
|b)| type ‘git add -A’ (add changes to staging area, ready to send online)|
|c)| type ‘git commit -m “(insert message here)”’ (commit the changes and add a message detailing the contents of the commit)|
|d)| type ‘git pull’ (you will have to make sure that the any new files (primarily data output files), in the online repository are first added to your local repository, otherwise git will be angry)|
|e)| type ‘git push’ (actually send the commits online)|
|f)| type ‘git log’ (check the log of commits to make sure it worked, press q to exit if necessary)|
|g)| type ‘git status’ (double check to make sure staging area is clear and no further updates are necessary)
Hopefully that will work.
Let me know if you’re still having trouble.