Need Help for sync my folder psychopy to pavlovia


I need help I have been desperately trying for 2 days to synchronize my directory C:\PSYCHOPAV\EXP1 containing
my file “EXP1.psyexp” and 3 directories

When from the Psychopy application I try to synchronize
it asks me to create a new project
I put the name “EXP1”
directory: C:\PSYCHOPAV
I have pavlovia the project but when I go into it in view code. Nothing :-((
just an html page with
the following instructions

it seems so simple on the youtube videos. (Grrrrrr)

thanks for your help


Project ID: 441788


The repository for this project is empty

You can get started by cloning the repository or start adding files to it with one of the following options.


Command line instructions

You can also upload existing files from your computer using the instructions below.

Git global setup

git config --global “XXXXX”
git config --global “

Create a new repository

git clone cd exp1 touch git add git commit -m “add README” git push -u origin master

Push an existing folder

cd existing_folder git init git remote add origin git add . git commit -m “Initial commit” git push -u origin master

Push an existing Git repository

cd existing_repo git remote rename origin old-origin git remote add origin git push -u origin --all git push -u origin --tags

Sync Error messages
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\psychopy\app\builder\”, line 1612, in onPavloviaSync
pavlovia_ui.syncProject(parent=self, file=self.filename, project=self.project)
File “C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\psychopy\app\pavlovia_ui\”, line 854, in syncProject
File “C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\psychopy\projects\”, line 912, in sync
File “C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\psychopy\projects\”, line 1149, in firstPush
info = self.commit(
File “C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\psychopy\projects\”, line 1315, in commit
info = self.repo.git.commit(‘-m’, message)
File “C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\git\”, line 986, in
return lambda *args, **kwargs: self._call_process(name, *args, **kwargs)
File “C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\git\”, line 1598, in _call_process
return self.execute(call, **exec_kwargs)
File “C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\git\”, line 1388, in execute
raise GitCommandError(redacted_command, status, stderr_value, stdout_value)
git.exc.GitCommandError: Cmd(‘C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\MinGit\cmd\git.exe’) failed due to: exit code(1)
cmdline: C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\MinGit\cmd\git.exe commit -m Push initial project files
stdout: ‘On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean’

It might be that you are trying to sync too much in one go. How big is each folder? Try removing one or more of the sub-folders for the first push, or look here:

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oh miracle. Thank you very much for your advice

my folder has been copied
i had to delete a large part of my stimuli (14 MB) it’s weird right?
what do you suggest to put the rest of my stimuli (add them to my folder in several times?)
however now when I want to launch Pilot
i have a 403 Forbidden error
Do I have to wait a moment or is it another problem?
Best regards

Let’s solve the 403 forbidden error first.

What is now in your repository? What are you pressing to give you the error?

URL of experiment: EXP_307_V1 [PsychoPy]

Description of the problem:frankly it’s just nonsense pavlovia
only bugs at every step. while it should be either simple or efficient, or properly documented. and to say that you need a license to use…
2 days to do a sync.
when it is done. impossible to launch because error 403 forbidden nginx
i ended up manually moving the html file and now I find myself stuck with a window in initializing mode for 30 min

even in the 80s with my old ZX81 I was able to make more reliable programs

Running locally (as on a ZX81) is much easier than online.

Here are some relevant tips:

when à clic on view code i see this
EXP1 : directory (Name of my project)
and hiden file .gitignore
in my EXP1 directory i have theses files
so i’ve tried to use File/export HTML
and a sync
but the application generate 2 files
Exp_307_V1 .js and
( a old name of my project during these 2 days of debbug)
why ?
i tried to rename and change all ref to the old name
without success …

Change the name in experiment settings.

I changed the name in the experiment settings, but still no success.
I also tried to use the web pilot experiment locally, and I also get stuck at http://localhost:12002/ with the initializing status.
My version is V2024.2.4
What can i do now ?
I agree, it would be better to do it locally, but unfortunately I have to share this experience with my group of students.

If you made a change and there was no difference online check this tip.

I don’t understand. Do I have to type the whole knowledge base?
I don’t think it’s a cache problem since this problem occurs with other browsers and other workstations.
I have a background as a computer scientist for over 20 years and honestly I have rarely seen such a level of bug in a program that is also sold under license. I don’t think my group of psychology students have the resources or the desire to spend so much time on this type of problem.
It’s just nonsense…

Here are the slides I’m using with my second year undergraduates on Thursday.

While far from perfect, PsychoPy is the most intuitive software I’ve found for running psychology experiments. I started in 1998/1999 with Superlab2 and used to use MATLAB until I came across PsychoPy a little over 10 years ago.

I think you should start with a simpler experiment (at least with fewer resources) and get it running locally before pushing online.

Similarly I used a lot in another life labview, matlab which for me remains a reference in terms of quality. but also very avant-garde software like AVS ( and I’m talking about a time that dates back more than 30 years. but I have never been confronted with this bug on software (Pavlovia) sold under license
concerning my experience it is very simple and works very well locally
2 loops with a presentation of images and sound, nothing complicated in theory…

I haven’t yet seen any evidence of specific bugs in your code. If you have successfully synced your experiment with Pavlovia then please could you add me as a developer in Gitlab and I’ll see if there’s a simple fix. If you have a working local experiment which doesn’t rely on Python libraries in custom code components then it should be fairly easy to fix

The changes I made to get your experiment working were:

  1. Changed \ to / in your spreadsheets to solve
  1. Changed Stimuli to stimuli in sound_1 and sound_2
  1. Removed $random(4) * 200 and $random(4) * 400 from the selected rows fields. I don’t know what they are supposed to do. Locally it seems to produce a list of four random numbers, e.g. [113.92972671 65.91239136 118.54189524 10.72040802]. Online it produces a single random number in that range. Neither make sense for selected rows.

For now, I’ve replaced it with a code component in each routine which breaks the loop after 4 iterations:

if loopStimul.thisN == 3:
    loopStimul.finished = True

You can try it here. EXP1 [PsychoPy]

Since the loops have a fixed random seed then it plays the say four images eight times. Are your two spreadsheets identical?

This tip tells you about how selected rows works. Either a list of integers or a string of two integers separated by a colon.

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Thank you very much for your help.
interesting to know for the future concerning the sensitive case
for the random, the idea was to do a random pickup of the 4 x 8 images
but different at each run of the experiment to avoid a learning effect
then represented with 30% of new images in the recovery phase

If you change the random seed from 4 to the participant number then you will get a different set of 4 for each run.

Begin Experiment

randomSeed = int(expInfo['participant']) # assuming you are using the default random participant number

Alternatively, you could just generate a random integer in Begin Experiment.

randomSeed = randint(1000)

Then add randomSeed to the loops.

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