Pushing experiment to pavlovia

Every time I open the Builder and try to push my experiment to pavlovia it says I need to create a new project.
It will not let me push it to the same project.
What can I do about it?
Thank you!

Where are you storing your local files? Are they perhaps on a cloud storage drive?

they are in my documents folder but now I see it is inside the OneCloud drive. should I change it?

All of my pre Pavlovia experiments are on a Google Drive but last March I discovered I couldn’t sync from there so my Pavlovia experiments are all in a standard folder.

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thank you. i will try. but it is weird since it used to work before.


I’ve got the exact same problem since yesterday. Everytime I need to upload a change, it doesn’t want to sync to the existing project and wants to create a new one. But when I do that, it doesn’t create a new project… My experiment is in a local folder.

Were you able to solve this issue ?


no, still having the same problem

i think it might be the problem of many users . but I don’t know how to delete it

If you use Git, try playing around with the git commands to commit and push. For someother reason, I had issues syncing as well so time to time, I use git commands to commit my changes.

Follow the instructions at this file: PsychoPy Python to Javascript crib sheet - Google Docs

Check the title " This file doesn’t belong to any existing project"

Also there might be an issue with the post-fire setup on Pavlovia. Wait until they restore the server completely.

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I am experiencing the same issue using psychopy 2023.1.2 with some experiment folders stored into the cloud (Microsoft One) - I can sync the project for a while but quickly Psychopy handles a sync error and mentions that “This file doesn’t belong to any existing project” upon the reopening of psychopy. I found a painful workaround by either 1. creating a new project with a new name but handling versioning that changes at every push gets quickly messy or - less painful - 2. by deleting each time the Gitlab project to be able to recreate the project using the same name.

The work supporting the dev of pavlovia is fantastic (@jon =) - but this small issue in case it is easily addressable would be an important fix given the global move on clouds - but I am sure that the dev team is fully aware of that =)

All the best

Do you have access to any non-cloud storage? I am now able to sync from Google Drive but Microsoft One might behave differently. My understanding is that the issue is a conflict between the version control on Pavlovia and the version control on the other cloud-based storage system. I’m not a developer, so I am not sure how easy this is to solve for all cloud storage systems.

My best guess here is that the files don’t exist locally that are expected if your cloud sync tool is trying to save space by not keeping the files locally. To test whether this is a git repo PsychoPy looks for a folder called .git inside the current project location (locally). If it doesn’t find that file (e.g. because the cloud service has cleaned it to save space) then PsychoPy will think this isn’t a repository.

I think that should be fixed by setting the folder to be always available offline but, beyond that piece of advice, I don’t know how much we can help. We’ll look into it but I think it may be a fundamental clash between using a keep-it-remote cloud drive, combined with git