My data and account disappeared. Pavlovia problem

I have problems with my account. After the server crached, my old account disappeared and I had to create a new one (with the same login info). On the new account I uploaded experiments and began gathering data from participants.

Several minutes ago I tried to open Dashboard and saw the following error:

Error when authenticating the experiment designer:

authentication error: Unauthorised access to a GitLab API resource

If the error persists, contact Pavlovia’s administrator.

Full description:

“origin”: “”,
“context”: “when getting the designer information corresponding to the oauth token”,
“error”: “authentication error: Unauthorised access to a GitLab API resource”,
“errorCode”: null,
“httpStatusCode”: 401

I tried to log out and in and now I am in my old account without any data I have gathered before (from the new one)!

Can my new account be fixed back please? It’s kinda life or death question.

Hey! Try clearing your browser cache and then login again (via your web-browser). Does that work?

Nope. Still old account and no new data.

Hello @Ekaterina_Bono,

Could you share your username with me so I can look into the matter?

As mentioned on this thread, we have a full copy of the pre-fire data and a full copy of the post-fire data before the merge. Your experiments are safe and we’ll work with you to restore everything to an adequate state as quickly as possible.


my username is voevodina.kathrine

I just logged in as yourself, and can see all 8 experiments (set-iaps, set--again), together with recent data.
Set1 IAPS got a new participant not even 1h ago.
Could you check again? Perhaps it took a little longer for the DNS change to reach you.


Yes, I can see them too. But the probles is that these are old experiments from pre-fire account. I need those I created like 10 days ago. People are participating in them now. Here are the links:

set 1 -
set 2 -
set 3 -
set 4 -

The problem is that links work, but there is no data in my recovered account on these experiments.

@Ekaterina_Bono I am not sure I understand. I logged in again as yourself and can see all manners of data for those experiments, with dates ranging from the 15th to the 20th, definitely post-fire data. I just wrote you an email so we can continue this discussion in private.

Thank you for writing to me directly. That’s what I see when I enter the account:

Can you please send a screenshot of what you can see?

пт, 26 мар. 2021 г. в 10:53, Alain Pitiot via PsychoPy <>:

Here is what I can see on my end. I believe it is the same as you: your old, pre-fire, experiment and the new ones. Could you let me know what the issue actually is? I am rather confused.


Yes, I see the same. But these are ALL old experiments. And they do not correpsond the links I sent earlier. There were just four experimnts in my new account and they were called “set1”, “set2”, “set3”, “set4”.
Nevermind, I’ll just have to do everything once again. Thanks God, I saved most of the data on my computer before Thursday.

Curiouser and curiouser… As far as I can ascertain, the Set IAPS experiments were created on the temporary server on the 16th of March, which is definitely after the fire. They do indeed correspond to the links you sent, i.e. Set1 IAPS correspond to the link:
And a file by file comparison of set1-iaps on the temporary server with the one currently on the restored pavlovia server show no difference in terms of code and data.

But all the same, since you do have the material on your computer, you can indeed update the experiments to whatever state is adequate.
Best wishes,
