Error message after creating the account


I’ve created the account a few days ago, but right after logging in I got these two errors:

Error when fetching the credits: {“origin”:“",“context”:"when getting the credit information available to the authenticated user”,“userId”:369488,“error”:“unknown designer”,“errorCode”:null,“httpStatusCode”:404}

Error when fetching the experiments: {“origin”:“",“context”:"when listing the experiments available to the authenticated user”,“designerId”:369488,“error”:“unknown designer”,“errorCode”:null,“httpStatusCode”:404}

Because of that, I cannot access anything on the dashboard. Any help greatly appreciated!

Hey Dominika,
Might I know your username?

Oh sorry! It’s 369488.
Thank you!

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Thanks! I relayed the issue to our experts. We’ll give a shout when we found something

Hello @Dominika ,

The issue has to do with your creating a username that consists only of digits. Regrettably, GitLab will make it possible for people to do so, but then cannot deal with it, as it gets confused between username and user id. And since we rely on GitLab for some of our services, pavlovia gets confused, in turn.
Would it be possible for you to create a new account with at least a letter in it, and re-sync your experiments? We’ll happily help you with that, should that prove difficult.


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I don’t mind creating a new account, but I have to use my university email, which is already taken by the existing one. Is there a way to delete the previous account so I can reuse the email?

Thank you,

Hello again,

You can do so by logging into GitLab, then navigating to Settings > Account, and selecting “Delete account”. That should make it possible for you to create a new account with a letter in there, somewhere.
