Minor bug: Alert 2155 alerts on half of screen width and height

I am reporting a minor glitch in the Alerts within Runner.

The following alerts are shown in Runner when the (width,height) of the image is set to 961,541 which is one pixel more than half of the maximum size for 1920,1080 screen:

Alert 2115:Your stimulus size exceeds the X dimension of your window.
For further info see 2115: Stimulus size is bigger than the window dimensions — PsychoPy v2023.1.1
Alert 2115:Your stimulus size exceeds the Y dimension of your window.
For further info see 2115: Stimulus size is bigger than the window dimensions — PsychoPy v2023.1.1

No Alert 2115 when size is 960,540.

The problem is that width and height can be the size of the entire screen! The maximum settings for width and height on a 1920x1080 screen is 1920,1080, not half the size.