Pavlovia Experiment:
Hi friends,
I’m trying to chain my study from BeSample > Qualtrics > Pavlovia > Qualtrics. BeSample requires a generated completion ID.
I’m having trouble linking Qualtrics to Pavlovia to Qualtrics while maintaining a participant ID through each redirect. This is what I’ve done:
At the end of the initial Qualrics survey, it redirects to this URL:$(e://Field/response_id)
(I added ?participant=$(e://Field/response_id) at the end of the Pavlovia study URL)
I also added response_id in “Set Embedded Data”
In PsychoPy, I went to Edit experiment settings > Online > Completed URL and unpit this URL: $""+expInfo['participant']
(I added the $“url?participant=”+expInfo[‘participant’])
The last Qualtrics has the following:
When I download the data from Pavlovia, the output Excel sheets start with “response_id” rather than a unique generated ID. Is there something I’m missing? Thank you!