Daisy chaining qualtrics to pavlovia, back to qualtrics

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I need to collect the participant ID within the Pavlovia experiment and then pass it as a custom variable to the Qualtrics survey URL when redirecting the participant after completing the Pavlovia study. the complete chain goes SONA > Qualtrics > Pavlovia > Qualtrics > SONA .
**The two qualtrics are not the same qualtrics surveys
** The error looks to be in the link linking the flankers back to qualtrics

The chain works so far carrying the ID through until it reaches the second qualtrics. It seems as though I cant figure out what the ID variable should be for that link. These are two of the links.

Qualtrics to flankers - Flankers_Meditation117 [PsychoPy]

Flankers to Qualtrics - [Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management

This is the error code that I see in SONA at the end

System Message: Invalid survey_code. : id

"https://ucsb.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1T6PXTygfGufZUa?id=" + expInfo[`participant']

I received a 404 error using the provided link
Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management” + expInfo[`participant’]

This is the output that came when the 404 error occured

Sorry. Try putting a $ at the start.

it wont allow me to put $ at the beginning without a syntax error

Is this in Experiment Settings/Online? Please show a screenshot.

this is in the settings section of builder.

The first quote was smart.


$"https://ucsb.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1T6PXTygfGufZUa?id=" + expInfo['participant']

If that fails. replace the quotes and retype manually.

I did not receive the syntax error but when pushed to qualtrics the id was not saved in the data output on the qualtrics side, even though it appears in the link.

Please show screenshots of the beginning and end of your Completed URL.

I resolved the issue by adding the = back into the link. Thank you very much!