I’m trying to open an experiment file I used more than three months ago now, but this is what I see
. What should I do?
I’m trying to open an experiment file I used more than three months ago now, but this is what I see
@wakecarter Hi, would you be able to assist with this question? I would really appreciate any insights you can provide!
Please could you upload your psyexp file here or send it to me via PM and I will try to open it and resave it?
What version of PsychoPy did you have three months ago?
What version do you have now?
son.psyexp (134.7 KB)
here, thanks a lot!
Try this version which I just opened and resaved in 2024.2.1
son2024.2.1.psyexp (138.4 KB)
Why do you think this is happening?
My general thought is that the issue seems to be related to the part of the code PsychoPy uses when checking the status of the Pavlovia project. Can you open other .psyexp files, or even a new file? If you can, I would recommend going to the top right and logging out of your Pavlovia account and then logging back in, because the “NoneType” seems to be related to the current “user session”, i.e., the current logged-in session for Pavlovia. If something has gone weird with that, then relogging might refresh the session the app is trying to reference and fix it.
no,unfortunately,I cant open other .psyexp files -What should I do?
Ah, then the PsychoPy installation itself is broken. You’ll need to uninstall it and reinstall it. If that doesn’t work you’ll need to uninstall it again, track down any saved settings for PsychoPy and delete those before reinstalling again.
Thanks! I reinstalled it now and I opened the file and uploaded to Pavlovia, but this is what I’m getting now. What should I do?
It looks like you have provided a stimulus as an absolute path that is specific to your computer. Is that how you put it in the excel file? If so you should change it to just say “creditCard.png” (and the same for the rest of the images you use), and if that alone doesn’t work, go to the experiment settings, click on the “online” tab, and then add the image to “additional resources”.
Great, thanks. Now I can run the experiment. So, it’s supposed to skip to the next trial when I click space, but now I get this.
There is a variable called “direction” in one of your code components or as a parameter for a stimulus. It is being referenced before it is being given a value. At worst, just add a default value to the “before experiment” tab of a code component, but most likely you just need to move whatever code you use to set the initial value of “direction” earlier than where it is now.
I give variables initial values in Begin Experiment, not Before Experiment.
Thank you, but I don’t seem to have anything under ‘direction’, so I’m not sure where to check exactl
Looks like it’s in the “begin routine” code for code_3, in the feedback trial.
In PsychoPy builder you should be able to generate a script and then search for the variable line_rect_len
and see where it is first defined and used. Somehow you are trying to use it before defining it. Not sure about why these are not issues before though.
Linerectlen is the name of the column in the spreadsheet that’s why I didn’t define them before,I mean, they already have assigned values in the spreadsheet. So, do I still need to define some values again in the code now