Is it possible to retain last frame after play movie?

Is it possible to retain last frame after play movie?
It seems the moviestim 3 (movie3) automatically remove the object after the movie is played to end.
Can I use some status parameter (i.e. if exists, ended?) to stop destroying movie object?

The current finding is directly edit _onEoS function of as below.

def _onEos(self):
        if self.loop:
            #self.status = FINISHED

I think ‘keeping the last frame’ is necessary function for certain type of design.
I am not sure wether it’s correct way to do it, and shell I add this as ‘option’ in github.
@jon would you check it and confirm, please?

Changing like above affect the existing movistim3 status related functions (i.e. checking whether the movie stopped.). Any better way to keep the last frame when the movie ended?