I have an old eye tracker from TheEyeTribe brand, and I’ve seen that Psychopy is compatible with similar eye trackers from other brands like Tobii and GazePoint. Is there any way I can integrate my eye tracker with my experiment? Even if it’s through coding, I’m a developer at a motor movement experiments lab, but I’ve never done something like this before, and I don’t want to lose my eye tracker.
The brand doesn’t provide support anymore, and the recommended software for data capture doesn’t work for my experiment. It was Ogama, which used Flash files for video playback, but since Flash Player has been discontinued, and I use videos in my experiment (that’s why I turned to Psychopy).
I have the entire experiment ready (I coded it in Python because it’s the best option for me), what’s missing is integrating the eye tracker to capture data. Initially, I would use the record function and region of interest.
I am currently working on a similar project for a different model of eyetracker. I guess the answer depends on what level of integration you need.
You seem to be comfortable with python coding. So if you just want to record eye movements and can work from code only (i.e., using psychopy as a library, without Builder support), you may be able to get along with including the native python interface (maybe this one: GitHub - baekgaard/peyetribe: Simple python interface to the Eye Tribe eye tracker) or pygaze. In principle a problem with this approach could be that your tracker’s native calibration/validation routines might get in the way with psychopy fullscreen windows. But luckily the linked code actually contains a calibration routine implemented in psychopy.
More modern versions of psychopy use a plugin architecture for eye trackers. It’s probably not worth adapting the above to a plugin for an eye tracker that is no longer on the market.
If you need Builder support things are more complex. I think that will be overkill for your current purposes.
Note that I am not a psychopy expert, and I don’t have an EyeTribe system, so these are just my guesses.