Integrating with tobii pro lab

PsychoPy version (2024.1.4):
**Standard Standalone? yes
What are you trying to achieve?:
record eye movment with tobii pro nano, and see the results in tobii pro lab
in a way that the stimuli(videos) of the experiment will be shown in tobii pro lab and the eyetracking recording ontop it.

What did you try to make it work?:
i tried to convert an hdf5 file output to a format that tobii can read.

What specifically went wrong when you tried that?:

  1. when i try to convert the hdf5 file my program recognized the events markers in the file but nothing actually is written to it.
  2. im not sure how can if the problem is the export code or the recordings. is there a way to ensure the eye tracking actually records ?
  3. i saw there is something called “tita” maybe it relates ? and if so, what is it actually and how to integrate it ?