Hi there. I’m quite new at programming and building experiments for my cognitive pychology tasks. Is it really difficult for me to learn a programming language at this point (im 27 and studying to get accepted in a phd programme) ? I once tried to learn lab.js but lacking of documentation and tutorial videos made it such a hard work for me. Thank you in advance for your answers
You don’t need to (and shouldn’t) learn PsychoPy as a programming language if what you want is to be able to create cognitive tasks.
Here are some slides I use with second year undergraduates.
You can find some Resources for teaching and learning — PsychoPy v2024.2.5 here. It is probably a good idea to get the book Building Experiments in PsychoPy, although it is not a prerequisite for programming an experiment in PsychoPy.
Best wishes Jens
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