Urgent: looking for a freelance programmer that knows how psychopy and python work to help me to create a task

I need to create two cognitive tasks: the symmetry span and the listening span. I have been trying to do it myself, but it is a bit complicated because of the coding. I need help from a person that can do it by following the instructions I have been given. If somebody is interested please contact me.

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I would suggest you email consultancy@opensciencetools.org to get support from the PsychoPy Science team. The Science team does this all the time, so they’re very experienced and are very reasonably priced.

If you do take support from someone on the forum I would very strongly suggest you look carefully at their skills and history of helping. A lot of people will claim to be able to help you with nothing much to back up their claim (but others on here are genuinely helping people on the forum all the time and could probably help you too).

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Hello Jon, thank you very much for the suggestion! I will message them today.

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Hey there! Were they able to help you?