I already removed the option “measure frame rate” in the experiment settings and it still happens. I tried setting the settings so that it only opens in a window and it continues to open full screen and freezing.
This happens to me sometimes, usually due to something wrong with my experiment. So it is best to share what you are working on or loading (E.g., screenshot of builder, output, or code). If a previous experiment, sometimes, check which experiment version it was and if you are working on a new version (As it can break the code/experiment).
Based on my experience, especially if your previous experiment froze and you had to force quit Psychopy. This is because the previous Python instance is still running in the backend and you cannot have two Python instances running at the same time. All you have to do is to search for Python in the task manager (ctl+alt+delete) and end all the background Python processes and you will be able to run the experiment normally. If you are using Mac, you can do the same in the Activity Monitor app.