If the pilot URL is not the proper information to get help, please comment what information is needed.
Description of the problem: My experiment is stuck on “initializing the experiment” and I am struggling to find the solution. It works fine locally. Thank you in advance.
Did you use a code component? If so, there is probably something wrong in one of them. Try looking for common mistakes (e.g. missing “;”, { and } missing or with the wrong indentation) and check these documents: PsychoPy Python to Javascript crib sheet for translation errors.
I downloaded this from Pavlovia, so I am not really familiar with the code (I’m also not really familiar with code in general, so the help is highly appreciated). Here are some screenshots of the code that includes pi.
Routine: setup
Thank you so much, you’re incredibly helpful. All of my materials are in the html folder on github, the output in PsychoPy experimental settings is html, and it is still not finding my stimuli appropriately.