URL of experiment:
Description of the problem:
When I try to pilot or run my experiment, I am getting stuck at the initial screen that says “Initialising the Experiment”. I have seen a number of posts about this here on the message boards, but I haven’t been able to single out my issue.
I should say that I was able to pilot and run my project on Pavlovia before making a small change to a text stimulus in one of my loops that tells my participants how many trials they have left before the project is complete. Perhaps this could have caused it, but when I took it out and resynced my project, it still was stuck at initialising. (This change did not involve the coder function).
I heard many people had issues when trying to run their projects on Pavlovia after using the coder function. I did use it once in my project, but I was able to run it on Pavlovia prior to developing this issue.
Perhaps I have an issue with the javascript translation?