Error when logging on to pavlovia

Hi everyone,

i just tried to log into my account at and encountered this error:

Error when fetching the workshops:

>>> the identified designer does not have administrative access to the workshops

If the error persists, contact Pavlovia’s administrator.

Full description:

** “origin”: “”,**
** “context”: “when getting information about all workshops”,**
** “error”: “the identified designer does not have administrative access to the workshops”,**
** “errorCode”: null,**
** “httpStatusCode”: 404**


Fortunately, i seem to be able to just press “okay” and preceed as usual. Nevertheless, i would be glad if you could have a look at it :slight_smile:



Good evening,

We experienced a temporary issue with the dashboard. It has now been resolved.
As you noticed, there was no negative impact. My apologies for the mishap!
